Saturday, 23 September 2023

Western Weekends: The Quick and the Dead

It's been a while since I've done a Western Weekend, but I've been running Deadlands and kind of have it on the mind. Also, there's some déjà vu in this. Anyway, The Quick and the Dead is a Western film released in 1995, directed by Sam Raimi and featuring an ensemble cast (including Russell Crowe in his first American film role).

Sharon Stone plays a mysterious drifter known only as "The Lady", who travels to the frontier town of Redemption to take part in a quick draw tournament with a substantial cash prize. The tournament is organised by John Herod, the town's self-appointed mayor and a ruthless extortionist, played by Gene Hackman. Of course, they're not the only people competing in the tournament:

  • Leonardo DiCaprio plays Fee "The Kid" Herod, a local gunsmith who's quick on the draw and popular with the townsfolk. Believing that Herod is his father, he joins the tournament in order to win his respect.
  • Russell Crowe plays Cort, a former member of Herod's gang who has since renounced violence and become a preacher. He's been kidnapped by Herod and forced to compete, almost getting lynched when he initially refuses. He nonetheless provides some helpful advice to The Lady.
  • Lance Henrikson plays Ace Hanlon, a talented trick-shooter known far and wide as "The Terror of Tucson". He carries a special deck of cards with an ace for each person he's killed.
  • Keith David plays Sergeant Clay Cantrell, a gentleman adventurer with his own hidden purpose in Redemption. It's later revealed he's been hired by the townspeople to kill Herod.
  • Other gunfighters include Spotted Horse, a Native American gunfighter who claims he can't be killed; Gutzen, the "Swedish champion" whom nobody takes seriously; Scars, a convict with a talent for escaping from prison; and Eugene Dred, a local tough who has an unhealthy obsession (this does result in an off-screen incident of SA, so viewer discretion is advised).

Yeah, there's an eclectic mix of characters. Some of them, like Cantrell and Spotted Horse, made me want to know more about them. Others, like Eugene, made me want to see them get their comeuppance. 

Of course, we can't lose focus on The Lady. She insists that she's in it for the money, but it's clear that she has a history with Herod. She gets some badass moments, including shooting the noose when Herod's men attempt to lynch Cort, right after she signs up for the contest and is ridiculed for it. At the same time, she is genuinely afraid of Herod. She overcomes her fear, yet she still shows that there's fear to overcome. She soon finds allies in a blind shoe-shine boy and the town doctor who seems to recognise her.

One notable scene involves Herod's first duel against Ace Hanlon, in which he reveals that the Terror of Tucson might be a talented trick-shooter, but his famous gunfights are not exaggerations but outright fabrications. I've been drawing parallels to Unforgiven, which also starred Gene Hackman, where he exposed another fake gunfighter played by Richard Harris. In Unforgiven, he tells a biographer that his subject's most famous gunfight was not a showdown at high noon, but occurred because his rival slept with someone he was sweet on, and he tried to shoot him in the back in a fit of drunken jealousy. The Quick and the Dead builds on this scenario, but takes it a step further: Ace had been claiming credit for killing somebody who had actually been killed by Herod. I wonder if there's a third film in which Gene Hackman exposes a fake gunfighter. It would be a cool hat trick.

The showdown between Herod and Ace also helps paint how bleak and cruel the world is presented in the film. As soon as Herod kills Ace, several townspeople go to loot his body. This also occurs when Herod kills Cantrell. In fact, I noticed in my recent viewing that Scars is wearing Cantrell's vest when he duels The Kid. Speaking of cruelty, Herod's henchmen subject Cort to all manner of abuse, with one even inviting his children to beat him up before his duel. Most of the townsfolk jeer him, but the argument could be made that it's to avoid losing face with Herod (who is actually afraid of Cort).

I must admit that the cinematography looks kind of silly at times. Especially a lot of shots that involve the camera suddenly zooming in on people's faces. I don't know if this is the actual term, but I call this the "extreme close up" based on its use in Wayne's World. I hear the term being said by Mike Myers, and just can't take it seriously. 

One notably over-the-top moment I can't help but laugh at is Cort's duel against Spotted Horse. Cort beats his opponent to the draw, but his shot doesn't kill. His rival gets back up and tries to shoot at him. As Herod had only given him one bullet (so he couldn't shoot his way out of town), he has to beg for another. The shoe-shine boy throws him a bullet, with Cort jumping up to catch it. I couldn't help but draw a parallel with a similar shot in Raimi's earlier film, Army of Darkness, with Ash leaping up to catch his chainsaw. In fact, the shots of Bruce Campbell and Russell Crowe leaping up are almost identical.

All-in-all, The Quick and the Dead was an enjoyable film which doesn't take itself too seriously. I found it on Netflix, and it's still on there at the time of writing. There's a great cast of characters, with some truly poignant moments.

Happy writing.

Friday, 15 September 2023

Hunter's Secret: A Q&A with Val Penny

Once again, I am delighted to be joined on the Writer's Block by author and fellow Swanwicker Val Penny. I'll be doing a Q&A, discussing writing while helping promote Val's latest book in her DI Hunter Wilson series.

Thank you for inviting me to your blog today, Andy. I am happy to have a chance to chat with your readers about writing, books and particularly my new crime thriller book, Hunter’s Secret.

1) Please introduce yourself and what you write. 

I have been writing and telling stories all my life. When I was a child, I used to make up stories for my little sister after our Mum put the light out and told us to go to sleep. Later, I wrote documents, contracts, and courses as part of my job, but my time was well accounted for, so I did not create any fiction.

However, I started writing as a career after I was treated for breast cancer and took early retirement. Who would have thought that something so devastating would lead to such an exciting new job? 

2) Please tell us about your latest book. 

My new book, is Hunter’s Secret. This is the fifth novel in my series of DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thrillers (although all my books can be read independently).

In this book, DI Hunter Wilson has a personal secret that he is trying to keep from his partner, Dr Meera Sharma as well as a professional secret he is trying to prevent his team learning about. Needless to say, the two clash and both Meera and members of his team get the wrong end of the stick.

3) What is your writing routine like? Do you have a set time or particular rituals?

I like to attend to ‘business’ such as replying to emails, updating my social media and promoting my work in the mornings and evenings. This leaves the afternoons for writing new work and editing pieces I have written. I have never been a morning person and writing is a wonderful job in that it allows me to use my schedule to suit my body clock.

 4) Are you more of a plotter or a pantser when it comes to writing?

Probably half and half! I draft the outlines of my stories, plots and sub plots but then sometimes my characters take off in unexpected directions and my books follow in a ‘seat of your pants’ kind of way!

 5) What's one piece of writing advice that has stuck with you? 

The most profound pieces of advice I was given was by fellow authors, Allison Symes and the late Peter Robinson. Allison said to me, ‘You better like the first book because you’ll be promoting it for the rest of your life.’ While Peter’s advice was, ‘Never give in to writer’s block. This is your job. Turn up for work and write gibberish if you must, until the story flows again.’

6) If your books were ever adapted to screen, who would you pick to play the main character(s)? 

I think about this a lot, probably when I should be writing and I can see James McAvoy being a convincing Hunter with the beautiful Sonam Kapoor as his Meera. Most clearly I see Chris Hemsworth as Tim Myerscough. I’ll let you know when this happens. 

7) Who is your favourite character to write?

I know parents aren’t meant to have favourites amongst their children and authors shouldn’t have amongst their characters, however, my favourite character must be Jamie Thomson. He is a would be big time criminal who is the worst thief in the world because he keeps getting caught. I use Jamie and his cousin Frankie to inject humour into my stories.

Thank you for joining us, Val. And I wish you all the best with Hunter's Secret.

The Blurb 

Detective Inspector Hunter Wilson is called to the scene of a murder. DCs Tim Myerscough and Bear Zewedu found a corpse, but when Hunter arrives it has disappeared, and all is not as it seems.

Hunter recalls the disappearance of a dead body thirty years earlier. The Major Incident Team is called in but sees no connection – it is too long ago. Hunter is determined to investigate the past and the present with the benefit of modern DNA testing.

Tim has other problems in his life. His father, Sir Peter Myerscough, is released from jail. He, too, remembers the earlier murder. There is no love lost between Hunter and Sir Peter. Will Hunter accept help from his nemesis to catch a killer?

Hunter’s own secret is exciting and crucial to his future. Will it change his life? And can he keep Edinburgh safe?

The Author

Val Penny has an Llb degree from the University of Edinburgh and her MSc from Napier University. She has had many jobs including hairdresser, waitress, banker, azalea farmer and lecturer but has not yet achieved either of her childhood dreams of being a ballerina or owning a candy store. 

Until those dreams come true, she has turned her hand to writing poetry, short stories, nonfiction books, and novels. Her novels are published by SpellBound Books Ltd. 

Val is an American author living in SW Scotland. She has two adult daughters of whom she is justly proud and lives with her husband and their cat. 

Contact Details 

Buy Links

Happy writing.

ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...