A Beginner's Guide to Savage Worlds


A set of blog posts to help teach people the Savage Worlds roleplaying system.

  1. Dice Mechanics (looks at Trait rolls, Wild Dice, Bennies, and Critical Failures)
  2. Basic Character Creation (making a human fighter)
  3. Combat Basics (Initiative, actions, movement, attacks and damage, healing and Incapacitation)
  4. Advanced Character Creation (making an elf mage, discussing non-Human Ancestries and magic)
  5. Advanced Combat Tactics (Opposed rolls, going on Hold, Called Shots, Support and Tests, advanced melee and ranged options, mounted combat, and sneak attacks)
  6. Advanced Character Creation 2 (making a Harrowed gunslinger for Deadlands, discussing how settings can affect character creation)
  7. Dramatic Tasks and Chases

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. It is unofficial Media Content permitted under the Media Network Content Agreement. This content is not managed, approved, or endorsed by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Certain portions of the materials used are the intellectual property of Pinnacle, and all rights are reserved. Savage Worlds, all related settings, and unique characters, locations, and characters, logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group

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