Sunday, 31 December 2023

Wrapping up 2023


Buckling swashes and shivering timbers.

Well, it's once again around the sun and time for me to take stock of the happenings of this past year. Suffice to say, it's been kind of rough.

A lot of my writing this year has been ghostwriting commissions, including a novelette, a couple of flash fictions, and a full-length novel. But I've paused my gig on Fiverr in response to the platform facing boycotts over Palestine. It's been a while since I've taken projects through UpWork, but I think it's time to jump on that again.

Furthermore, I expanded into writing for roleplaying games, serving as a co-writer for a 5e-compatible adventure based on Calke Abbey. This is part of a project to write a series of adventures set in National Trust sites, and I hope it takes off because I'm interesting in seeing where else I can take it. I'm actually going to be running a workshop on the subject at next year's Swanwick.

Of course, I didn't just do gig projects. I published another Kestrel and Scar story, The Homecoming at the end of October. I'm now looking at other story ideas for my favourite troublemakers, while also looking at compiling the three stories I've written so far into a single book for a physical release.

There has been some trouble too. I left Twitter at the end of November, which has become too much of a mess. Most of the likes my posts were getting ended up being from bots, and most of my friends already jumped ship. Fortunately, you can find me on Bluesky now.

Well, that’s about it. I’m still alive, and I’ll see you in the New Year.

Happy writing.

ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...