Saturday, 17 February 2018

Let's Get Writing

I’m going to write a book today. I don’t know what it’s going to be about, but I’m going to write one. I like the idea of an old-fashioned pulp adventure. Maybe a western. Or a swashbuckler. That will be fun to write. I’d better start with a protagonist. How about two? A pair of wandering rogues who are always getting into trouble. That could form the basis for a really good series.

Hold on, the phone’s ringing. It’s the boss. They want me in for a stock take, even though it’s my day off. The car won’t start. I’m not feeling very well. I’m already at work. I hang up. This is my valuable writing time and I don’t live to work. They can sack me later. I’ll save a fortune on petrol.

Now, where was I? Oh yes, now I remember. I’ve got two characters, now I need a story. But I might check Twitter first. I also need some music to get me in the right mood. Bloody hell, the phone’s ringing again. Whatever they’re selling, I don’t want it. I put my headphones back on and turn the music up. It’s time to start the first chapter. Blast! My coffee’s gone cold. Time to brew a fresh one.

I can give the heroes a good introductory scene, but now I’m hungry. Maybe a stroll to the deli will help me focus my mind. I can get back to work while I’m eating. I can see it coming together now. They meet a lady and get roped into an adventure. A search for a missing parent with the promise of a hidden treasure. That sounds good. I might watch a film to get some inspiration. Maybe there’s something good on Netflix.

Where’s the time gone? One film later, combined with another visit to Twitter, and then it’s back to work. Wait, I think I heard a noise downstairs. It sounds like a wine bottle being uncorked. Drink!

Now it’s morning, and I’m hungover. But I’m looking at a decent night’s work: a couple of chapters, filled with action, adventure, wit…and typos. I’ll edit those when I’ve finished.

I might spend an hour or two on the PlayStation, but today I will get some writing done.

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