Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Best Blackadder Moments #8: I Spy (General Hospital)

Something beginning with...M
Well, it's my last pick, and this time I'm going with a short moment from the beginning of the penultimate episode.

It's basically what it says on the tin: George and Baldrick sitting in the dugout playing I-Spy. The jokes practically write themselves, and it perfectly depicts their stupidity as Blackadder gets increasingly frustrated.

Baldrick can't clue into the fact that George is looking at a mug, despite the Lieutenant's increasingly obvious hints. Eventually, Blackadder answers correctly and gets a turn. Unfortunately, Baldrick's knowledge of the alphabet is minimal, and two different clues produce three equally hilarious responses which culminate in Blackadder punching him out. I'll let you watch the video for the exact details.

The game is cut short by a bomb landing in the trench, which George managed to hear but ended up working into the game. Which is topped by Blackadder's nonchalant reaction when he hears it.

Again, it's a small moment, but one which allows the main characters to work off one another.

I hope you've enjoyed these moments, and feel free to tell me your favourite moments. I might do some more blogging soon if I get a moment during my studies. In fact, some of my later blog posts could potentially be for my studies.

Until then, happy writing.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Best Blackadder Moments #7: Blackadder's Court Martial (Corporal Punishment)

The Flanders Pigeon Murderer!
Who would have thought you could get so many laughs from a show trial in which a person's life is on the line?

Captain Blackadder attempts to exploit a cross-communication issue to avoid a costly advance. When headquarters tries to relay the message through a carrier pigeon, he shoots the pigeon and eats it. Unfortunately, the pigeon happens to be General Melchett's favourite pet, Speckled Jim. When his deception is discovered, Blackadder is arrested, where he faces a court martial and potential execution for disobeying orders.

The trial itself piles on the laughs befroe it's even started, when it's revealed that the upper-class twit Lieutenant George is acting as Blackadder's defence council. To make matters worse,  Blackadder's nemesis Captain Darling is acting as the prosecution, but he isn't too worried until a loud bleat indicates that Melchett is the judge.

It soon becomes perfectly obvious that the outcome of the trial has been determined before it's even started. Melchett is more concerned with Blackadder shooting his pigeon than the official charge of disobeying orders. He also fines George for wasting the court's time by turning up, refers to Blackadder as the "deceased" rather than the "defendant", and claims to be needing his black cap (which is traditionally worn on top of a judicial wig when passing a death sentence, but is worn without the wig here).

Anyway, George does not help matters because his choice of witnesses: Captain Darling, who simply gives more evidence against Blackadder; and Private Baldrick, who is told by Blackadder to deny everything and takes it literally, prompting a head-desk from Blackadder. As for Darling's case, he simply calls Melchett as a witness and incites him against Blackadder.

All the main characters get their moments to shine during the trial, and it produces some true comedic gold.

ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...