Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Franchise Reviews: Pirates of the Caribbean

This is the week I was meant to be at the Swanwick Writers' Summer School, but since 2020 has pretty much been cancelled, I'm spending the week at home rather than in the picturesque Derbyshire surroundings.

I've got a couple of virtual events, and I'll post about that in due course. I'm also working on a couple of my pirate stories.

With that in mind, I decided to keep getting use out of my Disney+ subscription and watch the Pirates of the Caribbean films. I've often heard people say that this was the film franchise which made pirate films cool again, twenty years after the failure of Nate and Hayes (which I talked about here). It's probably one of Disney's biggest live-action film franchises (unless you count Star Wars now).

Anyway, I'll be posting my review of the first film later today, and I'll be posting the rest in due course.

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