Saturday, 31 December 2022

2022: Wrap-Up and Future Plans

Once around the sun again. 2022 has been an interesting year. I'm still figuring out what to do since graduating. Other than make art, enjoy life, and cause trouble for the establishment which seems to object to that.

One big win from this year was that I published my second book, The Pirate King, allowing Kestrel and Scar to continue their journey set up in Gentlemen of Fortune.

I've largely been working as a ghostwriter. I'd been working on a few Western novels, but I took a break to work on some of my own stories while in an internship. But costs are going up, and I need to find some other kinds of work. Which will likely get in the away of my writing.

I'm still on the committee for the Writers' Summer School, and that went pretty well this year. I'm hoping that next year will be just as good.

What are my writing plans for next year? Well, I'm working on a third Kestrel and Scar story, The Homecoming, which I hope to publish in the summer. It will still be e-book only, but my plan is to release what I'd like to call "The Rosanna Barclay Trilogy" (Gentlemen of Fortune, The Pirate King, and The Homecoming) as a collection, which will be a physical book. I want to have that published by August, in time for Swanwick.

I'm also working on a table-top roleplaying game, Misadventures in Planaterra. I'm looking to publish that under the Savage Worlds Adventuring Guild licence. Ideally, I'd want to have it released on DriveThruRPG by September, so it can be included in the SWAGtember bundle.

Anyway, see you in 2023. Whatever happens, happens.

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