Saturday, 1 April 2017

Western Weekends: Unforgiven

I can't review western films without bringing up Clint Eastwood, so I might as well start with the last western film he did - a gritty exploration of the genre.

Clint Eastwood directs and stars as William Munny, a retired outlaw trying to run a homestead in Kansas when he's approached by The Schofield Kid. The Kid is travelling to the town of Big Whiskey in Wyoming to kill two cowboys who disfigured a prostitute and claim the reward offered by her companions. Will is reluctant at first, but relents as he needs the money, inviting his old partner Ned Logan, played by Morgan Freeman.

The trio soon find themselves coming into conflict with Little Bill Daggett, Big Whiskey's sheriff, played by Gene Hackman. Little Bill doesn't take kindly to criminals and gunfighters in his town, which he demonstrates to English Bob, played by Richard Harris - who is also seeking the reward.

Unforgiven takes apart the myths and romance associated with the West and tries to explore the complicated truths. This is emphasised with English Bob's story arc, with Little Bill telling his biographer the truth about the gunfighter's depicted exploits. Clint Eastwood also depicts himself differently than before; Will Munny struggles to get on an unruly horse, spends a lot of time recovering from a fever, and even struggles to shoot someone when the time comes.

It's the classic example of a revisionist western, and one that is worth checking out.

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