Sunday, 28 May 2017

The Importance of Hats

A nice hat is, without a doubt, an essential tool for the writer. Partly it has practical value. While walking the earth in search of inspiration, it can help shield you from the rain or a low sun. If it's hot, you can fan yourself with it to keep cool. When sleeping, you can pull it over your eyes. You can wave it in emergencies to attract attention. And when you're working on your novel or perhaps languishing in your day job, it makes a great cushion once the need arises to hit your head against the desk.

More importantly, it has a great psychological value. When reading out your work to an audience, a hat gives a sense of presence. After the event, people may say to the performing writer "I enjoyed hearing that story you read out, and I really like the hat." And for the writer who likes to play the gentleman, any kind gesture is never complete without a tip of the hat.

In fact, it's one of the fundamental concepts of the meaning of life; people are not wearing enough hats.

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