Friday, 18 August 2017

Swanwick 2017 - The Triumphant Return

It's good to be back
Well, it's August, so I once again took a trip to Derbyshire for the annual Swanwick Writers' Summer School. It was great to re-unite with the people I met last year while also making new friends. Although it has to be said that my current project may need a serious re-write.

An ideal work space
I'll say right now that I think I enjoyed Swanwick more this time around than the first time - feeling more emboldened to enjoy the experience more fully. With that in mind, I'm opting to give a day-by-day account of this year's trip - well, the short courses and the evening events.

While I'm here, I'll discuss the specialist course on writing popular fiction with Sue Moorcroft. I regard myself as a pulp writer, and figured that popular fiction is supposed to be the modern-day equivalent. Taught over the week in the morning sessions, this included pointers on the avenues of how a writer can get published, whether by traditional publishing, through an agent, or self-publishing. There were also discussions on the genres of popular fiction, how to plan a story, and even some editing techniques.

Writing Popular Fiction
Now, one of the big "popular fiction" genres seems to be romance. Given that my current project is a swashbuckler, a genre which often has a romantic element to them, I figured that I could use that particular project to work with what was being taught. Oh yeah, advanced warning: I'm going to be making references to this particular project, as I've been applying it to what I've been taught here. This is because I want it to be a long-term series, so I'm giving it my all - when I'm not procrastinating on here or on Twitter.

I'll be posting the other details of my week over the next few days, so I'll leave it here for now and see you soon.

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