Thursday, 14 June 2018

Favourite Action Scenes #2: Inigo Montoya vs. The Man in Black (The Princess Bride)

I think this is one of the most entertaining cinematic sword fights. While Gene Kelly codified Hollywood sword fights in The Three Musketeers, I might say that The Princess Bride perfected it.

Prince Humperdinck of Florin's bride, Buttercup, has been abducted by the Sicilian mastermind Vizzini in a plot to start a war between Florin and and the neighbouring kingdom of Guilder. While en route to Guilder, they are followed by a mysterious Man in Black, and attempt to elude him by scaling the Cliffs of Insanity. Unable to shake him off, Vizzini orders one of his accomplices, the Spanish swordsman Inigo Montoya, to stay behind and take care of their pursuer. However, Inigo is excited about the prospect of fighting with a new opponent, helping him reach the ruined watchtower at the top of the cliff and even letting him rest for a moment before they begin the fight. During this time, he tells The Man in Black about his life's quest to find the six-fingered man who killed his father.

Not long afterwards, the fight begins. Because this is an "entertaining" fight scene, the action is prolonged. The two fighters give and take ground and make use of the terrain, all while complementing each other's skill and styles. However, Inigo likes to toy with his opponents by using his sword in his left hand, but when he realises the Man in Black is a better fighter, he switches to his right hand. He begins to gain the advantage until his opponent reveals he has also been fighting with his off-hand. Eventually, The Man in Black repeatedly upstages Inigo, who becomes increasingly frantic before finally being disarmed. He begs for a quick death, but the Man in Black simply knocks him out.

I think the character development of this fight is great. While Inigo is under orders to make sure the Man in Black dies, there is no real animosity between the two fighters, and they develop a deep respect for one another. Eventually, they meet again as allies in an attempt to stop Buttercup and Humperdinck's wedding.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow for my final pick.

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