Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Top Ten Action Scenes

I've recently become a man of leisure, and have also recently come back from an informal writers' retreat at a farmhouse near Tenbury Wells. And it was there I had an idea for another Top Ten series.

I take part in a series of writing chats on Twitter every Sunday, and one of these is #JustAddTea, hosted by Elizabeth Mayes at 5:00 pm BST. Well, last week's chat was about action scenes, and the ice-breaker question was to give your favourite action scene. Because there were too many, I said the first one which came to my head, but kept wanting to mention more.

Anyway, this gave me the idea for the Writer's Block. I love action scenes, and am often trying to write them. Being something of a visual learner, I thought I might compile some of my favourites (although I really need to see some which are on paper rather than on screen). Over the next ten days, I'll be posting my ten favourite action scenes in films. These could be sword fights, shootouts, chases, mass battles, or anything in-between. Please be aware that there may be spoilers, and that I'll only be including one entry per franchise.

Additionally, I'm going to be making use of Writing Fight Scenes by Rayne Hall, when looking at the structure and type of action (gritty or entertaining). Because I'm more interested in writing entertaining fight scenes, I'll be focusing more on those.

Anyway, I'm off to compile them. Watch this space for my first pick tomorrow.

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