Friday, 28 September 2018

Best Blackadder Moments #2: Don Speekingleesh (The Queen of Spain's Beard)

Wow, Jim Broadbent looks really young in this episode.

Prince Edmund is arranged to marry the Spanish Infanta, played by Miriam Margolyes, whom he soon discovers to be...not as beautiful as many speculated. She also happens to be very sexually voracious, to the Black Adder's terror. Most of this episode involves him trying to get out of the marriage with constantly backfiring results.

Anyway, the funniest part of the episode involves Jim Broadbent as the Infanta's ever-present translator, whose name is revealed in the credits as Don Speekingleesh. The main source of humour stems from his word-for-word translation of everything the Infanta says. I'll pick their introductory scene for this moment, in which the Infanta's declaration of love is being translated and Edmund believes that the translator is trying to woo him. Well, he did say that he was the Infanta.

Anyway, that's the weaker series out of the way. Tomorrow I'll start looking at my favourite moments from Blackadder II.

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