Monday, 4 February 2019

Top 10 Favourite Duos (Plus an Honourable Mention)

It's been a while since I did a Top Ten on the Writer's Block. I've seen various "top ten characters" countdowns around, but instead looking at single characters, I thought I'd look at two characters at a time. After all, the main characters in my work-in-progress are a duo, so I decided to think about influences.

I'm not really looking at "hero and sidekick", but rather duos which are more of an equal partnership. In other words, no Batman and Robin. The main thing I'm looking at is dynamic and contrast.

I'll start with an honourable mention by looking at Junkrat and Roadhog from Overwatch. Since I haven't played Overwatch, I can't really include them on the countdown. So, why I am mentioning them? Well, I was reading an excerpt from one of my stories at a writers' group meeting, and another  member said my MCs were like Junrat and Roadhog if they were pirates. And not as psychotic.

Intrigued, I searched on YouTube and found a promotional video: Junkertown: The Plan. In this short video, we follow Junkrat and Roadhog as they're kicked out of Junkertown, a Mad Max-style scavenger community in the Australian Outback, and seek to get even with a plan which requires money and explosives.

Junkrat is established as being a small but troublesome pyromaniac who is egotistical and talkative, while Roadhog is a silent brute who serves as the muscle. Although he doesn't say anything, and you can't read his face behind the mask, he is always able to point out flaws in Junkrat's zany schemes. I love how his method of arguing is simply stopping the plan from moving ahead until Junkrat sees what he's overlooked.

While it's a short video, it establishes their characters well, and makes me wish they'd do more, so I can see what others kinds of antics they get into.

Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow to start the real countdown.

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