Sunday, 21 August 2022

A Spot of Mead and Cheese

(Not actually worn for the occasion)

Well, I'm dreading the return to whatever my daily grind is going to be. Friday was quite busy. Not only did I return home from Swanwick, but I also made a guest appearance on a pirate-themed episode of Mead and Cheese.

For those who are unfamiliar, Mead and Cheese is a show on the student radio station, DemonFM. The hosts, DJ Mead (Corey) and DJ Cheese (Tom), play music, discuss popular culture, and are advocating for more sales of mead (I agree, because mead is good).

Anyway, the show's Patreon supporters were given the chance to vote on a themed episode, and the winner was pirates. I then received an invitation to appear on the show, since my main project is a series of pirate stories. I've never been on the radio before, and I knew that Mead and Cheese takes a rather laid back and silly tone, so I decided it might be good for a laugh.

I appeared on the show alongside two other guests; a musician named Kieran McCavana, and one of the show's patrons. Me and Kieran were given a pirate quiz, but in a sudden twist, it was about music piracy rather than the high seas piracy I'm accustomed to. That said, the tie-breaker was a "two truths and a lie" about that kind of piracy, which I ended up winning.

There was also a fun game called "pitch invasion". The guests and the patron were asked to come up with a pitch for the next Pirates of the Caribbean film (you can read my views about the franchise here), but it had to involve mead and cheese. There was then another round in which we had to write an anti-piracy ad to be included at the screening, but it had to include a tragic element and something ridiculous that you wouldn't steal. This was followed by a discussion of our favourite pirate films that aren't Pirates of the Caribbean. In case anyone's wondering, mine's Muppet Treasure Island.

On top of that, there was some opportunities for promotions. I was able to promote my book, Swanwick, and my poetry blog. Kieran was also able to promote his latest single, "Just a Loser".

All in all, it was a fun experience. I hope the listeners had as much fun as I did.

Mead and Cheese is broadcast live on DemonFM every Friday between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. If you wish to find out more about Kieran McCavana's work, you can find him on Facebook and Instagram, along with his producer, James Knapp

Anyway, I'd best chase the horizon (and flee the energy companies trying to extort me).

Happy writing.

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