Monday, 7 May 2018

A Quarter-life Crisis

Yep. I've been procrastinating again. April's a busy time with year-end accounts prep, so I haven't written much lately. Especially because I've had a hankering to play Super Mario World since I talked about it in my top ten favourite video games last year. So, to indulge a quarter-life crisis, I decided to pick up a Super Nintendo Classic Edition.

I grew up with the Super Nintendo, and had heard that they were sort-of re-releasing it as a dedicated machine with a selection of games pre-installed. Last week I caved in and bought one, to revisit some of the gems I played (or watched) as a child, along with a few I'd missed out on.

OK, it was a bit of a rocky start on the technical side. The console has uses HDMI input, but my TV upstairs doesn't have a port for that. My PS4 is connected using a HDMI to DVI converter (which doesn't have sound output), while connected to a soundbar. I thought I could do the same with the Super Nintendo, but there isn't a way to connect to the soundbar. I had to buy a new TV. There also isn't an A/C adaptor for the power supply, but you can just use any that has a USB port (like most phone chargers now).

Anyway, technical details aside, I was eventually able to set it up and play some Super Mario World. Then a day later I had to stop because I'd finished it. Well, not 100% but I beat Bowser (on my last life too). It feels great to be able to play the old games with the original controller, rather than downloading emulators and plugging in and coding an Xbox 360 controller. I've also forgotten how challenging these old games used to be.

At the time of writing, I've managed to beat Super Mario World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (for the first time). At the moment, I'm playing through Super Metroid. I actually missed this one as a kid, but it's so immersive with a massive world to explore and a lot of back-tracking involved. I'm actually trying to resist the temptation to keep playing it even as I'm sitting here writing this post.

Well, that's about it. Now I can say that I've got some writing done this Bank Holiday weekend.

Happy writing.

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