Saturday, 12 May 2018

What Am I Working On?

Not my drawing skills, for one
It's been a rough couple of months in terms of writing. I've already said repeatedly that I haven't written much, on account of having a numbing full time job and wasting time with the help of a Super Nintendo Classic.

So, what exactly is it that I'm trying to work on?

My main WIP at the moment is a series of pirate stories following the adventures and misadventures of two wandering scoundrels: a romantic, thrill-seeking libertine called Isiah Kestrel, and a cynical runaway slave-turned mercenary called Jacob Scar. I've got numerous stories on the go with this pair, but they're pretty much first drafts to help develop them for a piece I'm currently revising. But I love working with them, and want to see them get into all kinds of trouble. I've recently decided to give the series the working title 'Gentlemen of Fortune', but I still mostly refer to the stories as 'Kestrel and Scar'.

In addition to this, I've recently started planning a more experimental WIP called 'The Bayfalls'. This one I can see as a fantasy sitcom, following a dysfunctional family of Dungeons & Dragons-style adventurers. I've bounced the idea around on Twitter, and it seems to have a lot of potential, but it's going slowly, as heroic fantasy and comedy are genres I don't really write in. Granted, there's humour in my work, but it tends to be tongue-in-cheek. On top of that, it doesn't fit my regular writing style, so I'm trying to write in script format - which I'm also not familiar with. So, this is something which is very much out of my comfort zone.

As for blogging, I figured that since I've been spending too much time on the Super Nintendo, I might as well write about the games I've been playing through. I've also been thinking of doing another Top Ten in the near future, looking at characters who work as duos. I'm just looking for ones I can really write about.

Anyway, watch this space, and happy writing.

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