Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Firefly Marathon #11: Trash

We've got another caper, a returning character, and a bizarre opening which is actually the ending. And possibly another candidate for the top five.

During an illicit cargo transfer, Mal reunites with Monty, another former Independent who's also working as a smuggler. During the reunion, Monty introduces Mal to his new wife, Bridget. Unfortunately, Bridget turns out to be Mal's former "wife", Saffron. When Monty throws her out, Mal is all too willing to leave her to die in the desert, but Saffron offers Mal a job; to steal an antique laser gun known as the Lassiter from the floating estate of Durran Haymer, a wealthy collector of artifacts from Earth. Saffron had initially planned to offer the job to Monty, luring Mal with the promise of a lucrative payout and a chance to get revenge on a war criminal. As part of the job, Kaylee devises a plan to get the Lassiter out of the estate undetected by throwing it in the bin, hence the episode's title.

Because this is a heist story - in which double crosses are pretty much a given trope - I can't really say too much about it without giving away the surprises. Nonetheless, all the characters get moments to truly shine. While Mal and Saffron infiltrate the estate, Kaylee tries to insert a new programme into the trash container beneath the estate so the drone which collects it will deposit it in the desert rather than the incinerator. This has to be done on top of Serenity, and Wash is trying to keep the ship steady while alarms for collision warnings are echoing in the bridge. It's amazing to see how the goofy and immature Wash can become so calm and collected when the situation demands it.

We also get cool moments from Inara and Simon, but I can't discuss those without spoiling it. In fact, Simon's moment actually pertains to the events of "Ariel".

It's a great caper with incredible twists and tense moments, along with some of the funniest lines in the entire series. That's why I rate this one quite highly.

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