Sunday, 13 June 2021

Cowboy Bebop Marathon - Session 10: Ganymede Elegy

We don't often see Jet's Hammerhead craft in action.

The Bebop crew have captured a bounty and are delivering him to the police on Ganymede, which was Jet's homeworld and original posting when he was in the ISSP. While there, he re-unites with his ex-girlfriend Alisa, who had unexpectedly left him. Meanwhile, one of Jet's former colleagues contacts Spike and reveals that Alisa's current boyfriend, Rhint Celonias, is wanted for murdering a loan shark.

This is the first episode to delve into Jet's past, and is more about him coming to terms with his break-up. We also see how burdened by guilt Rhint is after killing the loan shark, and suspicious of strangers (including Jet). When Alisa learns that Jet's now a bounty hunter, she and Rhint attempt to flee, but are pursued by Spike in the Swordfish. After almost colliding with the Hammerhead, he relays the bounty details to Jet, who sends him back to the Bebop while he finishes the job. It's a good action sequence, the the Hammerhead having to negotiate tight spaces, but there's a greater focus on the emotion than the action. It's great to see the more level-headed Jet in comparison with the impulsive Spike. The conclusion is heart-wrenching, but also provides a glimmer of hope to the people involved. 

Despite this being a dramatic episode, there is still one comedic moment at the beginning. While en route to Ganymede, Ein barks at the prisoner they're carrying, who tries to shut him up by kicking a can at him. That's not very funny, I know. It gets funny when Ed drops out of a vent on top of the guy, hisses at him like a cat, and then starts biting him while Ein looks on with a dog smirk.

All in all, I'd say this is one of the stronger episodes in the series.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...