Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Cowboy Bebop Marathon - Sessions 12/13: Jupiter Jazz


After the hilarity of the previous session (including a teaser for the next episode in which Ed falsely claimed the rest of the crew had died), we move to one of the more poignant episodes. This one is a two-parter, but I'm gonna look at both episodes together.

Faye has left the Bebop after absconding with the money in the safe, and has found herself drowning her sorrows in a bar on Callisto. Meanwhile, Ed intercepts a message about a meeting in Callisto from someone known only as "Julia", a mysterious woman from Spike's past. Spike opts to go after Julia rather than Faye, prompting Jet to kick him off the ship. Meanwhile, Faye befriends a saxophonist named Gren, but soon discovers that he's associated with Vicious. Elsewhere, Jet hunts for Faye and learns that Gren is a fugitive who has escaped from a military prison.

In the second part, Gren reveals to Faye that he and Vicious served together in the Titan Defence Force, during which time Vicious saved his life, only to frame him as a spy.

This episode provides a bleak setting on Calisto, with an industrial city in recession whose population is almost exclusively male. We also get some deeper insights into Spike's past, about how he was planning to leave his old syndicate with Julia. That, combined with Gren's backstory, managed to create some of the most heart-wrenching drama this anime has produced so far. The overall story and setting is actually reminiscent of a film noir.

There's still some great action, with the first part involving Spike getting jumped by a gang who mistake him for Vicious and him single-handedly taking them down. Rather than having the usual action cliché of everyone attacking him in turn, the thugs try to rush him, but the cramped quarters of the alleyway make it difficult and Spike puts up such a fight that the rest eventually flee.

In the second part, we're treated to an impressive three-way dogfight between Spike, Vicious, and Gren. Spike seeks to take down Vicious, but he's also tasked with capturing Gren so Jet will let him back on board the Bebop. It's a great fight scene, with a strong pay-off.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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