Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Cowboy Bebop Marathon - Session 21: Boogie Woogie Feng Shui


Feng Shui is something I know little about, but it nonetheless intrigues me.

Jet receives a cryptic email from an old acquaintance, Pao Pu-Zi, whom he knows as one of the most prominent Feng Shui masters on Mars. His initial search takes him to a cemetery, where he finds Pao's tombstone. He meets Pao's teenage daughter Meifa, and they escape an ambush by a pair of assassins who bear a close resemblance to the Blues Brothers. As the rest of the crew speculate over Jet's relationship with Meifa, he learns that Pao was apparently killed in a hyperspace fluctuation while travelling to Jupiter. Having more questions, Jet accompanies Meifa as she searches for an item known as "the Sunstone". He later ambushes the Blues Brothers and learns they're from the Blue Snake crime syndicate, and were following Meifa in the hopes that she'd lead them to her father. Jet later reveals to Meifa that Pao was a consultant for the syndicate but wanted out, and had given information to Jet when he was a detective for the ISSP.

This is another episode which largely centres on Jet as he solves the mystery. It's interesting to see the plot unravel, and there's still some humour over the rest of the crew's speculation.

There's some great action, with Jet subduing the Blues Brothers, showing that he uses a less refined fighting style compared to Spike's martial arts techniques. We later get a cool dogfight as a Blue Snake ship pursues the Bebop into hyperspace while they're following a path the sunstone is leading them on. It provides a truly poignant ending as they use it to locate Pao.

That's about it. I'm hyped for tomorrow's session, which is one of my favourite episodes.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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