Sunday, 6 June 2021

Cowboy Bebop Marathon - Session 3: Honky Tonk Woman

I kinda like the idea of a space casino.

This episode sees the introduction of Faye Valentine, a con artist with a substantial debt. After caught cheating at a casino orbiting Mars, she agrees to do a job for the casino's ruthless owner, Gordon. Posing as a blackjack dealer, she's instructed to clean out a player in order to discreetly retrieve a special chip in his possession. When Spike plays at her table, she mistakes him for her contact, and when he leaves without handing over the chip, he bumps into the real contact and swaps chips. Faye attempts to escape, but is captured by Spike and Jet, who simultaneously learn that she's wanted, and that there's more to the chip than meets the eye. When Gordon pursues them to recover the chip, Jet agrees to an exchange.

In addition to the introduction of Faye, this is the first episode to reveal that Jet previously worked for the Inter-Solar System Police (ISSP), when he discusses the truth behind the chip with Gordon.

Personally, I think the misunderstanding is a little contrived. However, it's still a good episode with some great action. Faye's introduction involves her walking into a shop and then firing on the casino security trailing her with a submachine gun. We later have Spike demonstrating his martial arts on more guards after he accuses Faye of cheating, and a zero-gravity scuffle outside the casino ship when Gordon attempts to double-cross Spike and Jet. I also love the design of the casino ship, having the glitz associated with Vegas in outer space.

That's about it. Easy come, easy go.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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