Saturday, 19 June 2021

Cowboy Bebop Marathon - Session 17: Mushroom Samba


After yesterday's dramatic episode, we've got a funny one. Specifically one which is essentially a 70s-era drug comedy and Blaxploitation parody.

The Bebop crew is at rock bottom, with no food, no money, and no fuel. After a hit-an-run collision with another ship, the Bebop crash lands on Io. As the crew make repairs, Ed is sent to find food with Ein. Their quest brings them into contact with Domino Walker, a wanted drug dealer who has been selling hallucinogenic mushrooms. The pair also come into conflict with Shaft, one of Domino's dissatisfied customers, and a Pam Grier-esque bounty hunter also on Domino's trail.

This episode largely focusses on Ed finding food, ultimately getting her hands on some mushrooms which Domino had dropped while running away from Shaft. When Ein one of the mushrooms and starts hopping, Ed believes they're not food. This is later proven when she leaves the other mushrooms out back at the Bebop. Spike, Jet, and Faye all eat one and begin hallucinating. We see the hallucinations through Spike and Faye's eyes, and are then treated to what Ed actually sees them doing. Ed later recognises Domino when his face is shown on Big Shot and goes after him, culminating in all parties chasing each other on a moving train.

While I'm not the biggest fan of drug comedy, I still get plenty of laughs out of this episode. My favourite joke has to be Shaft's introduction, where he's seen dragging a coffin through town like Django (the Franco Nero one, not the Jamie Foxx one). He later confronts Domino and announces his intent to put him that coffin. As soon as he's said that, the coffin is hit by a truck and smashed.

All in all, it's a good episode, and shows what the doldrums of life are like at their worst for our protagonists.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...