Tuesday, 18 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - The Book of Boba Fett Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

I've got some time to kill, so I figured I'd wrap up this little interlude before returning to the actual marathon.

Fett is preparing for war with the Pyke Syndicate, and it isn't looking good. The mayor of Mos Espa is on their payroll, the city's major gangs have pledged neutrality, and Fett's crew is underpowered: Fennec Shand, Din Djarin, a wookie gladiator called Krrsantan, two Gamorreans who used to work for Jabba, and a gang of 70s mods with cyberpunk mods. Yes, really. I groaned when I heard them referred to as such too.

Anyway, Murphy's Law is in full effect. Cad Bane makes his presence known, revealing that he gunned down Cobb Vanth and threatened the people of Freetown into staying away, while also admitting that Pykes were responsible for killing the Tuskens Fett lived with in the earlier flashbacks. At the same time, the local bosses double-cross Fett and ambush his people as they're scouting. As the Pykes converge on the ruins of The Sanctuary, Fennec Shand leaves to assassinate the bosses, leaving Fett and Din to face them alone.

There's a particularly funny part when Fett sends the mayor's majordomo to negotiate when he volunteers to present terms for surrender, until he realises what those terms actually are. After that, it all kicks off. While that's going on, Grogu arrives in Mos Eisley, having decided to be a Mandalorian rather than a Jedi. He finds Pelli Motto and they travel to Mos Espa.

The climax is full of highs and lows. Fennec takes a detour to save the Mods, Krrsantan is able to escape from his ambush, and a posse from Freetown arrives to save Fett and Din. This is promptly reversed when the Pykes send out two war droids, until Fett arrives with his rancor. Yes, he got a rancor (supplied by Danny Trejo), and is riding it into battle (like the Nightsisters in Empire at War: Forces of Corruption). It all plays out like a Kaiju battle. And while that's going on Fennec goes all Agent 47 on the other bosses and the mayor.

Overall, the action was great, but it did feel a bit too over-the-top at times. Anyway, we end with Din reunited with Grogu, leaving Tatooine to go back their own story.

I'll be back tomorrow to talk about that.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...