Wednesday, 5 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 5: The Gunslinger

Of course there's gonna be some call-backs to the films. I must admit, this episode's kinda slow.

Mando gets into a dogfight with another bounty hunter above Tatooine, and the Razor Crest is badly damaged. He travels to a facility at Mos Eisley Spaceport operated by Pelli Motto, played by Amy Sedaris, and looks for work to cover the repairs. At the cantina, he meets Toro Calican, a cock young gunslinger played by Jake Cannavale who seeks to join the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Calican asks Mando for help bringing in a notorious assassin named Fennec Shand, played by Ming-Na Wen.

Overall, this episode is similar to Unforgiven, featuring a young gunfighter taking up a job and enlisting the aid of a seasoned killer. Star Wars is essentially a Western after all. There's a brief moment where Mando and Calican encounter a pair of Tuskens, but Mando is able to barter for safe passage usining Calican's binoculars. Nice to see a protagonist deal with them non-violently.

While the last couple of episodes took place on new worlds, this one shifts to a location familiar with the fans, showing how much has changed since the fall of the Empire. We're treated to a shot of several stormtrooper helmets on display, and return to the cantina from A New Hope, which is a lot deader than previously shown. But at least droids are welcome there now. There's also some jabs at prequel material. Peli Motto uses three pit droids from The Phantom Menace, but Mando shoots at one of them as they go to work on his ship.

The action's still good, including the opening dogfight and a tense sequence where Mando and Calican try and reach Shand as she tries to snipe them. However, there are some moments which don't make a lot of sense. For example, Peli discovers Baby Yoda in the ship and plans to look after him to try and squeeze more money out of Mando. But that only gets mentioned and doesn't really go anywhere. On another occasion, Fennec tells Calican about Mando's dust-up in Nevarro, but I wonder how she heard about that when she's hiding in the desert?

Anyway, despite some hiccups, there's still things in this episode to enjoy. Plus an interesting cliffhanger.

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