Saturday, 15 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 15: The Believer

It's the penultimate episode of the second season. Again, I'll have to discuss some major spoilers.

In a bid to find Moff Gideon's cruiser, Din seeks out Cara Dune, now a Marshal of the New Republic. Using her position, she is able to recruit Mayfeld for his knowledge of Imperial protocol. He suggests they access a terminal at a secret Imperial refinery on Morak for the information they need. As Cara, Fennec, and Boba Fett are too well-known to the Imperial Security Bureau, Din reluctantly accompanies Mayfeld in infiltrating the facility. During this time, Din is forced to go against his code to find Grogu.

A large of the episode involves Din and Mayfeld's plan to infiltrate the facility by hijacking a transport carrying a highly volatile mineral, during which time Din is forced to swap his beskar for stormtrooper armour. They're later waylaid by a group of pirates who are blowing up the shipments. It's a tense scene as Din fights wave after wave of them while Mayfeld is forced to walk a thin line between trying to outrun them and trying not to destabilise the cargo too much. You know you're in a mess when you end up being saved by stormtroopers.

Bill Burr does a good job providing an interesting foil to Din. While we've seen other characters awkwardly attempt small talk with the terse Mandalorian, his cynicism makes him stand out. He discusses how people still chafe under rules, no matter who's in charge of the galaxy, and talks about how everyone has a line they won't cross until they're desperate.

This theme gets put to the test when they reach the facility. Mayfeld finds the terminal in the officer's mess hall, but balks when he encounters his former commanding officer, Valin Hess. Din is forced to go in Mayfeld's stead and removes his helmet so the terminal can scan his face. When Hess questions him, Mayfeld is forced to step in, creating a tense scene as he calls out Hess over an atrocity referred to as "Operation Cinder".

It's a great episode, and Din's Liam Neeson-style message to Gideon at the end (using the same words that Gideon used) makes me excited for the finale.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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