Sunday, 9 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 9: The Marshal


Well, it's time to start the second season.

Din Djarin is travelling the galaxy in his quest to reunite Baby Yoda with his people. Seeking other Mandalorians, he meets with a gangster called Gor Karesh, played by John Lenguizamo. Karesh attempts to kill Din to harvest his Beskar, but he defeats the goons and learns that there's another Mandalorian in the town of Mos Pelgo on Tatooine. Travelling there, he meets the town marshal Cobb Vanth, played by Timothy Olyphant, who wears Boba Fett's old armour. As he isn't Mandalorian, Din seeks to take the armour from Cobb, who offers it in exchange for help bringing down a Krayt Dragon. But the pair encounter a band of Tusken Raiders who are also after the dragon, forcing Din to make an uneasy alliance.

This is a pretty strong season opener, and it's nice to see the Tuskens being given some depth. Timothy Olyphant steals the show as the frontier lawman he seems to play a lot (like in Justified, Deadwood, and later Fargo). There's a tense stand-off between him and Din, but he still remains affable throughout it until the Krayt dragon shows up. After which point he suggests they work together. The teamwork between the Tuskens and the settlers is also very teeth-clenched. Cobb is initially apprehensive (even while they're breaking bread) but is able to keep the peace with Din. The title character also gets some development, having overcome his prejudice against droids after IG-11's sacrifice last episode. He even allows Peli Motto's trio of pit droids to work on the Razor Crest.

The action sequences are still great. We have Din fighting Karesh's men with his "whistling birds" (a set of mini rockets), followed by a pretty ruthless interrogation. There's also a cool flashback which shows how Cobb obtained Boba Fett's armour and used it to single-handedly rout the Mining Collective who occupied Mos Pelgo as soon as the Empire withdrew from Tatooine. And of course, we have the battle against the Krayt dragon.

All in all, it's a great episode with an intriguing cliffhanger.

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