Thursday, 20 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore

Well, that quest didn't take long.

Seeking a replacement memory core for IG-11, Din travels to Mos Eisley and makes inquiries with Peli Motto. When he mentions he requires a droid to visit Mandalore, she sells him her astromech droid R5-D4 (the one which Luke's uncle almost bought instead of R2 back in A New Hope). After travelling through an electrical storm in the upper atmosphere, Din finds that Mandalore's atmosphere is breathable and ventures into the ruins of Mandalore's capital, Sundari. While travelling, he's captured by a cyborg, forcing Grogu to flee the ruins and find Bo-Katan.

This episode is actually a pretty good one. The ruins of Sundari are reminiscent of the Mines of Moria in Lord of the Rings. Once a great city, it's now fallen into ruins and occupied by troll-like creatures called Alamites. The poor lighting creates a tense atmosphere, and makes you wonder what kind of dangers are lurking. In addition to the Alamites, there's some creatures that feel like a cross between wolves and bats, and the cyborg that captures Din. I found the design similar to General Grievous from Revenge of the Sith, but this one is more feral in nature. You don't learn much about it, but the fact that you don't actually makes the encounter more chilling. What follows is probably the most active we've seen Grogu as he races back to the ship (Force pushing an Alamite at the cave entrance in the process).

If there's anyone who truly steals the show, it's Bo-Katan. While she told Din last episode where the mines were, she wants nothing to do with him and is ready to send him away when his ship returns. But when she only finds Grogu there, she realises Din's in trouble and goes to save him. She takes out the cyborg and shows him the mines, while still being dismissive of the stories. She then saves Din a second time when he falls beneath the waters. What is kind of funny is that it's built up to be him getting pulled in by another monster, but in reality he just took a bad step. However, it turns out that there is something in the water: a creature called the "mythosaur", which has a legendary status and is used as the main emblem of Mandalore. Said mythosaur leaves them be though.

All in all, this was one of the strongest episodes of the season. The trouble is that the previous episode set this up to be the main story arc for the season. Now that's been resolved, what do you do with the rest of the it?

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