Friday, 14 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 14: The Tragedy

Wow, Robert Rodriguez directed this? Also, I'm going to have to discuss a fair few spoilers in this episode.

Following Ahsoka's advice, Din takes Grogu to Tython and places him on top of a Jedi "seeing stone" in the hopes of reaching out to a Jedi who can teach him. But as a familiar ship arrives, the stone activates and sends Grogu into a deep trance while surrounding him with a force field. Unable to get him out, Din goes to confront the newcomer: Boba Fett, everyone's favourite bounty hunter from the original trilogy, played by Temuera Morrison (who played Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones). He's accompanied by Fennec Shand, whom he'd found on Tatoone after she'd been shot and left for dead by Calican. They seek Fett's armour, which Din had taken from Cobb Vanth, and offer to guarantee Grogu's safety in exchange for it. Din is reluctant to hand it over, as Boba didn't take the Mandalorian Creed, but their discourse is interrupted when stormtroopers arrive to take Grogu.

If you enjoy action, this episode has it in spades. Most of the running time is taken up by Boba Fett and Fennec Shand fighting the stormtroopers while Din tries to get Grogu off the stone. Fett doesn't have his armour at first, but he's able to take down a squad with a Tusken gaffi stick. Meanwhile, Shand is able to quickly snipe many troopers, even as they begin deploying heavy weapons (including a mortar). Din later joins the fray, using his armour to protect Shand as she fires back. Fett eventually recovers his armour and takes down the transports as they're leaving.

Of course, there's not just action. The beginning shows Din interacting more with Grogu. In the early episodes, Grogu enjoyed playing with a silver ball which he unscrewed off one of the levers in the Razor Crest. Din initially chastised him for playing with it, and later gave it to him. In the previous episode, he used that same ball to connect with Grogu during Ahsoka's training, and does it again here. It also hints at his ambivelance at the thought of Grogu finding a Jedi, having grown fond of The Child.

By the end of the episode, we see Din at probably one of his lowest ever points. An airstrike from Gideon's cruiser obliterates the Razor Crest, and then combat droids known as Dark Troopers (which initially debuted in the FPS game Dark Forces) abduct Grogu.

It's also interesting to see Boba Fett get a bit of depth. In the original trilogy, he was largely a background character who met an unceremonious end in Return of the Jedi. In this one, he's shown to be quite level-headed and surprisingly honourable for a mercenary. Having promised to guarantee Grogu's safety in exchange for his armour, he offers to help Din rescue him.

All-in-all, I'm excited for what happens next.

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