Wednesday, 26 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 24: The Return

Well, here we are at the end.

When we last left off, things were bad. The expedition to scout the Great Mandalorian Forge ran into an Imperial ambush. Din was captured, Paz Vizsla was killed, and Bo-Katan was forced to retreat. Axe Woves managed to find an opening to return to the fleet, but Gideon scrambled his air force to knock out the ships. Meanwhile, Grogu saves Din and he opts to put an end to Gideon. In the process, he learns that Gideon has been making clones of himself.

Most of this episode is taken up by the action. Din fights with Gideon. Grogu fights his Praetorian Guards. The Armourer reinforces Bo-Katan's team and they storm the base. Axe Woves even sends the captured cruiser on a collision course. It's all suitably epic for a season finale, and there's not much else to say.

When everything's resolved, I can't help but wonder what else there is to do. Bo-Katan re-lights the great forge, and Din formally adopts Grogu as a Mandalorian apprentice. The Armourer tasks him with leaving Mandalore to travel the galaxy with his adopted son. Din settles down on Navarro and subsequently offers his services to Carson Teva as an "independant contractor", taking on New Republic bounties. He also takes an IG unit head amongst the trophies in the officers' mess at Adelphi base, using it to rebuild IG-11 so he can serve as Karga's new marshal.

There's talk of another season and/or a film in the works. Honestly, where can they go next? I suppose we could get an opportunity for something else to threaten Navarro so he can team up with IG-11 again. Plus there could be the jobs he takes with Carson, maybe going after more pirates or Imperial war criminals. I'm sure there's scope for more stories, but I don't know if there's enough for a season arc. There's also the issue of what to do with Greef Karga, following the passing of Carl Weathers.

We'll see how this plays out.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

  Well, here we are at the end of the marathon. That was fun, and if I haven't got my writing mojo back, at least I got to re-watch one ...