Wednesday, 12 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 12: The Siege

What is it with Imperial aversion to guard rails? And what do we know of Jeans Guy?

When we last left off, Bo-Katan told Din that if he wants to find the Jedi, he should travel to Corvus and seek out Ahsoka Tano (another character from The Clone Wars). Unfortunately, the mechanics on Trask did a substandard job on the Razor Crest, forcing him to seek repairs on Nevarro. Upon his return, he finds the town has become more peaceful: Greef Karga is now serving as the local magistrate, Cara Dune has become the marshal, and the Bounty Hunters' guild house has been converted into a school. We even see the Mythrol whom Din hunted in the first episode, working off a debt to Karga. In exchange for the repairs, Din offers to help Karga and Dune shut down an Imperial forward base in the region.

Once again, this episode provides some great action sequences. Notable moments include Cara's return, during which she single-handedly takes down a criminal gang hiding in the remains of the Mandalorian enclave. There's also running gun battles through the facility, followed by a chase through the canyon as the party escapes in a transporter pursued by speeder bikes and later TIE fighters.

There's also a couple of funny moments, largely provided by Baby Yoda and the Mythrol. For example, Din is trying to get Baby Yoda to help him with repairs. He later leaves him at the school, during which time he uses the Force to steal another kid's sweets. Meanwhile, the Mythrol serves as a Cowardly Lion-type character who acts the party's rogue of sorts. Even that role gets defied at times when he's called to open an electronic panel to open elevator. As he's working, Din flies up to a landing platform on his jetpack, we hear sounds of a battle and see a stormtrooper fall into the ravine, and then Din calls the elevator.

This episode also hints at the Imperial remnant's interest in Baby Yoda. Din and his companions initially set out to knock out the forward base so the troops stationed there wouldn't threaten the town and the hardware couldn't be sold on the black market. However, they soon discover that the facility was a lab in which several cloning experiments were being conducted. The party soon finds a recent holographic recording from Dr Pershing and learn that Moff Gideon is still alive and still seeking The Child. We also learn at the end of the episode that one of the ship mechanics on Nevarro is a spy for Gideon, and has planted a tracking beacon on the Razor Crest.

Looking forward to the next episode.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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