Monday, 3 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 3: The Sin

While this previous two episodes play out like a two-parter, this one is where things truly kick into gear.

Mando returns to Nevarro and delivers Baby Yoda to The Client and a scientist named Dr Pershing, played by Omid Obtahi. In return, he receives a large consignment of Beskar; a durable steel which the Mandalorians use to make their armour. However, the aftermath of the job begins to weigh on him: The Child saved his life, and he's being forced to hand him over to people associated with the now-defunct Empire.

Roughly the first half of this episode focuses on drama, with a strong "only the lost walk alone" vibe, as Mando sees little comfort in such a lucrative payout. The Client reprimands him for asking questions. Another member of the secret Mandalorian community (known as a "Covert") he's part of is angry that he took a job with Imperials, who carried out a purge of their people. The rest of the Bounty Hunters' Guild - all of whom carried tracking fobs for The Child - are resentful that he beat them to it. Even Greef Karga tells him to put it out of his mind and report any Imperial activity to the New Republic (who are likely too far away and bureaucratic to do anything about it). After preparing to leave for his next contract, Mando sees a knob that The Child had taken from one of the levers in his ship to play with. Once again, you can't see his face under his helmet, but you can still read him from how he stares.

We also get some insights into Mando's past. The first episode established that he's a "foundling" who wasn't born on the Mandalorians' homeworld of Mandalore, but nonetheless swore to uphold their values at an early age. Both this episode and that one feature sequences where the covert's Armourer, played by Emily Swallow, forges new armour for Mando, which is interspersed with flashbacks to Mando being a war orphan. The sequence in this episode shows that his parents were killed when Seperatist forces attacked his home, and he was confronted by a Super Battle Droid. It's a harrowing sequence applied to an entity that's normally used for comic relief. It certainly hints at why he's prejudiced against droids.

The latter portion of the episode is more action-packed. Mando storms The Client's safehouse and battles the stormtroopers that guard it. We see him isolate and dispatch the troopers with his walking armoury, and he recovers The Child. But as he leaves, the rest of the guild are alerted when their tracking fobs activate. What follows is an even bigger street fight with Karga and his men.

All in all, this was a good episode.

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ATLA Marathon: Wrap-Up

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