Sunday, 2 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 2: The Child


The trouble with bounty hunting is that finding the target is only half the battle.

Anyway, picking up where we left off, Mando has found the Client's "Asset" which turns out to be an infant version of Yoda. An infant that's 50. Baby Herman, anyone? Anyway, after killing IG-11 when he attempts to eliminate it, he begins his journey back to Nevarro. Unfortunately, the journey isn't a simple one. He's attacked by a trio of rival bounty hunters, and later finds that Jawas have looted the Razor Crest. Reuniting with the ugnaught who helped him earlier, he meets with the Jawas and reluctantly agrees to recover "The Egg" in exchange for all his parts.

This episode seems more comedic in tone. Mando disintegrates several Jawas as he sees them stripping his ship, but gets his arse handed to him when he attempts to board their sandcrawler. While those things might not stand a chance against any serious military strikes, they're certainly hard to breach by a band of raiders or a single foe. He has to scale the side of it as the Jawas throw scrap metal at him, and there's even a reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when the driver attempts to crush him against a canyon wall. When he finally reaches the top, he's zapped by several Jawas and falls off the edge. I'm surprised he didn't break any bones through all that.

When Mando and the ugnaught meet with the Jawas, we get some funny lines as the Jawas immediately point guns at the pair of them, and Mando butchers an attempt to speak the Jawa language. Later, he's forced to battle a giant mudhorn for "The Egg" which tosses him around like a ragdoll. It's a harrowing sequence, which makes the resolution funnier when the Jawas proudly proclaim the egg...and then messily devour the yoke.

Nick Nolte is still great as the ugnaught (who is yet to be named at this point), and he strikes up a friendship with Mando, who offers him a place on his ship.

Still a good episode, and it makes me eager to see what happened next. Especially after Baby Yoda unexpectedly saves Mando during his tussle with the mudhorn.

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