Monday, 10 June 2024

The Mandalorian Marathon - Chapter 10: The Passenger

Talk about a road trip from Hell. Getting a Ridley Scott vibe from this one.

When we last left off, Din had acquired Boba Fett's armour from Cobb Vanth and left Mos Pelgo while being observed from afar by a mysterious figure. As he returns to Mos Eisley, he's ambushed by a group of bandits but fends them off, although the mysterious figure isn't with them. Anyway, he meets back up with Pelli, and learns from a "Frog Lady" that there were Mandalorians sighted on the planet Trask. In exchange for the information, Din has to take the Frog Lady to Trask so she can meet her husband and fertilise her eggs. 

The voyage to Trask is troublesome from the get-go: The eggs cannot safely travel through hyperspace, requiring sublight travel; the Frog Lady can only speak her own language, making communication difficult; and Baby Yoda keeps eating her eggs. To make matters worse, they're waylaid by a New Republic patrol who recognise the Razor Crest from the prison ship job in the last season. Din attempts to make a break for it, but crash lands on a frigid world. And there's spiders. Lots and lots of spiders.

The first portion of the episode is largely played for laughs, with Pelli Motto persuading Din to cover an insect creature's stake in a card game, and vouching for Frog Lady whom she only met ten minutes earlier. We get a cool but ruthless "Papa Wolf" moment from Din as he fights off the bandit attack and one of the assailants threatens Baby Yoda, demanding his jetpack. Din agrees to the exchange, and then activates the jetpack when the bandit takes it, sending him plummeting to his death.

The tension ramps up when they encounter the patrol. It starts out as the equivalent of a routine traffic stop, but when Din sees the two X-Wings take up an attack position, he realises he's in trouble.

When they crash land, Frog Lady demonstrates some ingenuity by using Q9-0's wrecked chassis to make a translator to admonish him. She later saves The Child from the spiders by shooting them.

All in all, this is a pretty good episode with a strong horror element.

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